Monday, September 21, 2009

Where are you going? Where have you Been?

Literature can be displayed through various forms of art, whether through films, novels, news articles, songs, etc... Novels are what verbally narrate one through a story to try to deliver imagery to the reader. Films however deliver a more interesting form through acting. Though when all these are compared, they all are a piece to the puzzle. After reading over the story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” and have watched Smooth Talk, noticeable similarities have been portrayed. Similarities such as names, objects, restaurants, and the lies Connie had said all are repeated to give a similar affect. Author Oates, Joyce Carol influenced from a triple murder back in 1966, seemed to use the individuals only in a different sense. Also, changing up some of the events and leaving out the murders. In one of the articles it speaks of a young man around the age of 23 finding girls and murdering them, two in an attempt to cover up the first. In the story, Connie has stumbled upon A. Friend in a diner and is then stunned to find him at her front door a few days past. He offers Connie a ride and she accepts after some thinking. This can relate to in the Tuscan murders in which Charles Schmid is A. Friend and Connie is Alleen Rowe. Schmid along with another individual, Saunders (Ellie), invite Alleen to a party where they divert from their path to a desolate area and murder and rape Alleen. Towards the end of the story and film, Connie is invited out with A. Friend but is brought back to the house, not murdered. If examining the details of each literature piece, there are major iterations but still few changes are noticed. To provide a point, most literature if related in some way can work together to form one piece in different forms.

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