Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Niel White Visit

Last night, another classmate and i had gone to listen to Niel White describe his book Sanctuary of Outcasts. The book was made to seem actually somewhat interesting, about how he was detained in a federal prison with lepers (Leprosy infected). During the visit, he allowed the audience to ask certain questions directed to him or towards his writing. Questions such as "how did your children influence their section in the book?" and "How did you sell your work?" The answers he returned were pretty interesting. His kids actually thought it was cool that he publish the memoir and that they are involved in it. The second question he answered saying "Dont seek out the editor, edit your work to its fullest and then try to let the editor find you" like what happened to him. I don't believe his answer is truly true because if you want your work out you should create your own path. But it was a good interview/discussion.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked it. The book is really pretty great. You should check it out!
