Monday, November 16, 2009

Police, Good or Bad?

The weekend was a good weekend. I have noticed one thing over the weekend though, not necessarily a bad thing. But police officers are said to be heroes and all, but why is it they seem to be more worried on the type of vehicle speeding before they think of the actual offender. Sat night, the weather was perfect so me and some of my friends go on a little motorcycle ride down I-40. Well, eventually we began to go the equal speed of those around us and because there were four of us on street bikes, the cop chose to pull us over instead of the cars that were in front of us. Now if you think about it, what would be the right thing to do? Pull over the car going about 85, or the motorcycles going about 80 mph. This seemed to just decrease my respect for cops much more than it already is. I just thought I would share that.

Word Count: 164

1 comment:

  1. I think street bikes are so so so scary. I frequently see riders zooming in between cars and passing way too close. I hate seeing one coming because I'm always afraid that they're going to do something stupid like I've seen so many times (not saying you're one of those drivers). I just wonder if there shouldn't be more training involved to be able to ride those bikes.
